Salam to all
Well some people called it recession. I might just say economic downturn of which this time around hurt all of us more than before. The analyst said the worst compared to 1987 and 1997 financial crisis .Before that I was too small or inexistence to digest the problem. The fuel and food price hike last year forced many all of us to scratch deeper into our pocket. What more with the current situation.. Used to be RM5 enough to buy a healthy lunch..nowadays be prepared to bring RM10 for a pack of rice with fish and vegetables.. If doing grocery the scenario is worst..RM50 is nothing..all prices have gone up 30-40% increase..The other day I just could not believe my eyes a bottle of chillie sauce cost more than RM4 used to be RM2.30 or so...the small one used to be RM1.45...
Why I write about this? The other day I contacted my ex-student to pay him some small job he did for me..After the usual conversation, I asked him"what are you doing now?".." Puan I'm a van driver with x company" " No jobs in this field puan".."Rather than being a jobless, I took this job.." I responded with "yeh"..I do not how to comment...."O.k if I have some other jobs I would give you" I responded pitifully...
I salute him because, because he dares to switch profesion because of the situation. InsyAllah his resilence would add to his preservance in facing economic uncertainty and adversity. I told his plight with my officemates.." Hey Puziah you do not know..some company took advantage..they only offer RM800 for fresh graduates..either you take it or leave it situation." said this officemate. "Ayo! Ayo! how to survive in the recession time" I talked to myself. "You know what many students keep their port in the student rented houses to ensure their survival if they did not get the actual job" my officemate continued.
Facing adversity
I was thinking..what a disgrace because my son Nuruddin worked in a shop that paid almost the same amount. To add my amazement..this officemate said " some company prefer hiring Institute of Bandung or Indian graduates with salaries of RM1200 or so ..because these workers can perform better and create no fuss". O it the globalisation impact? I murmured myself..No doubt ITB is the top university..the cream only could enter the institution normally top 5% of schoolleavers.
Anyway I remembered the same situation during 1987-1989 economic crisis many of my friends also landed on jobs that paid only RM500-600 (Adib et al).. By the time I entered workforce in 1991..things were better..I received RM1400. I graduated in 1989 however due to pregnancy and delivery process I opted to be a fulltime housewife for 2 1/2years. There was a hikmah with the pregnancy induced hypertension. The disease of which my blood pressure shot up coming to six-month pregnancy and only subsided after the childbirth.
Around my housing areas there were additional roadside stalls being set up..especially stalls sell air jambu batu and jambu batu ...I would buy from these help economic help local and domestic economy..Those with extra money should spend for the betterment of economic spin-off..Unlike some rich and famous people who prefer to keep their monetary fund in overseas account......
Other thoughts
Salam KP, economic recession is truly a challenging time...I sympathise with the young graduates but we were once in their position too... but by thinking positive and having faith in Allah will InsyaAllah help us get through this...
Ya lah win..hope for the best for them...
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