Monday, March 9, 2009

International women's day

Salam to all

I would like to wish to all women "A happy Women's Day", celebrated throughout the world on 8th March 2009. The state of Selangor has declared on the day as 'a safe and peaceful world for women'. To say the world is a safe place..needs a committment of all to eradicate the problems of poverty, domestic violence, illiteracy, dignity and other unsolved issues.

Women are regarded highly in Islam. Surah An-Nisa'(women) is one example. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W..once asked "who should one obey?" The answer " your mother"..Again he was asked..The answer was " your mother"..The same answer for the third time. Only then he said "your father" for the fourth time when asked the same question..

So love your mother and obey her(of cause things which are not contradictory with syariah).. You would miss her dearly when she was no longer I experienced.. May Allah give the rewards of a mukmin and place her in Al-Jannah....What can I say ..thank you mak for carrying me for nine months, enduring a difficult labour then raising, feeding, clothing, protecting and loving me...endless labour of love..InsyaAllah your noble roles will not disappear from my mind since your sudden departure from my life in February 1982..Al-Fathihah..

p/s My eyes are full I'll stop here..

1 comment:

Win said...

Salam KP, you know despite the difficulties of labour, raising the kids, giving them the attention, being patient with their kerenah and everything else, I'm really glad Allah made me a woman and a mom too...