Sunday, March 1, 2009

Single mother and her predicament

Salam to all

Sad story
While having breakfast normally I read two newspapers one English daily and the other is the Malay. The NST front page did not really attract my eyes since it was about money and politics of MIC. But this story in Kosmo front page is the sad flavour for my day...It is a story about a single mum with 12 children living in a shack if we can call it but it is worst than that...some more the shack is in the bush somewher in Jerantut Pahang. I was in tears because how could that happen ... May Allah grants lots of reward to this brave mother by the name Rosni Abdullah 41 years old. She only receives RM70 from JKM and RM15 per day for her job as a kitchen hand. Besides that she has to walk (?) for 16 km to the stall she helps out. If you see her face, she looks happy with the small children but who knows inside.. She must worry about her children' safety and future..All children aged 15-4 years old plus do not attend any school or formal education..

My hunch
Sorry male folks, you may think I am giving a gender biased view..but this predicament of Rosni..make me think where is the ex-husband ? He ran away from his responsibilities? matter what his occupation is..the news say he is a rubber tapper. No mater what happen in our marriage, do not make the children suffer. It is wajib for the father to provide are accountable to Allah. If you do not believe me you can check with syariah court how many pending cases for the nafkah claim by the single mothers....( a talk to syarie lawyer will confirm this - I did check this fact). The cases are mounting...but some mothers who do not have any resources and accessibility just bottle up and suffer in silence...and may make doa' leave these matters to Allah...

Those who are poor feel powerless and defendless as proven in my poverty and development research..Normally they do not claim that they are in dire needs of help..we the individuals and community need to always on the look out for giving a helping hand..I am sure Rosni is very much eligible for the zakat ...

This surah At-Talaq(65) verses 1-7 specifically mentioned about divorce proceeding and entitlements of nafkah and the rights of the women in iddah. The word taqwa was mentioned many times in the surah...So tepuk dada tanya selera..Is taqwa not yet in our heart?

Just a thought
2/3/09/5 Rabiul Awwal 1430H

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