Salam to all
This posting is different compared to others..Why?..Well I want to share this image snapped by my son Nurhanifan during our rehlah(picnic) at Mount Angsi river could be during Chinese New Year holidays. Nurhanifan did not realize this until a day before we went to Kuching. He tried to clear some space in his handphone memory. Suddenly he called me .."Mama looked at his picture..I did not do anything.." " I only wanted to take Ammar's picture(little brother)..the image behind was acidental".."Ye Mama remembered this group ..they came ..almost midday..had some barbecues then left the place much earlier than us..without my notice"..
What A fuss? Look at the picture carefully..behind Ammar's image..do you see two white images? No legs ..hanging. That's the thing..all of us(except my husband..he has a different opinion about this) concluded that images were jinn either visitors to the group or may be part of the group! Nowadays people wear all kinds of weird things..such as susuk etc...ubat pelaris eh! eh! Jahilliyyah practice. Neither Nurhaniffan nor me a picture doctor..To add our curiosity..my brother in law looked at the picture..then ye! He said only nokia phones could catch that kind of image..according to him many times nokia handphone could capture weird pictures?
p/s hey..hey I encountered some problems while uploading this picture..so...
alamak restoran kt segamat pun ada? yg mana satu lah agak nya.scary plak nk makan kt luar..
Baca bismillah banyak2 le n fathihah syuhada..tak tau le yg mana satu?
InsyaAllah dijauhkan mudharat oleh Allah..
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