Salam to all
Well some people called it recession. I might just say economic downturn of which this time around hurt all of us more than before. The analyst said the worst compared to 1987 and 1997 financial crisis .Before that I was too small or inexistence to digest the problem. The fuel and food price hike last year forced many all of us to scratch deeper into our pocket. What more with the current situation.. Used to be RM5 enough to buy a healthy lunch..nowadays be prepared to bring RM10 for a pack of rice with fish and vegetables.. If doing grocery the scenario is worst..RM50 is nothing..all prices have gone up 30-40% increase..The other day I just could not believe my eyes a bottle of chillie sauce cost more than RM4 used to be RM2.30 or so...the small one used to be RM1.45...
Why I write about this? The other day I contacted my ex-student to pay him some small job he did for me..After the usual conversation, I asked him"what are you doing now?".." Puan I'm a van driver with x company" " No jobs in this field puan".."Rather than being a jobless, I took this job.." I responded with "yeh"..I do not how to comment...."O.k if I have some other jobs I would give you" I responded pitifully...
I salute him because, because he dares to switch profesion because of the situation. InsyAllah his resilence would add to his preservance in facing economic uncertainty and adversity. I told his plight with my officemates.." Hey Puziah you do not know..some company took advantage..they only offer RM800 for fresh graduates..either you take it or leave it situation." said this officemate. "Ayo! Ayo! how to survive in the recession time" I talked to myself. "You know what many students keep their port in the student rented houses to ensure their survival if they did not get the actual job" my officemate continued.
Facing adversity
I was thinking..what a disgrace because my son Nuruddin worked in a shop that paid almost the same amount. To add my amazement..this officemate said " some company prefer hiring Institute of Bandung or Indian graduates with salaries of RM1200 or so ..because these workers can perform better and create no fuss". O it the globalisation impact? I murmured myself..No doubt ITB is the top university..the cream only could enter the institution normally top 5% of schoolleavers.
Anyway I remembered the same situation during 1987-1989 economic crisis many of my friends also landed on jobs that paid only RM500-600 (Adib et al).. By the time I entered workforce in 1991..things were better..I received RM1400. I graduated in 1989 however due to pregnancy and delivery process I opted to be a fulltime housewife for 2 1/2years. There was a hikmah with the pregnancy induced hypertension. The disease of which my blood pressure shot up coming to six-month pregnancy and only subsided after the childbirth.
Around my housing areas there were additional roadside stalls being set up..especially stalls sell air jambu batu and jambu batu ...I would buy from these help economic help local and domestic economy..Those with extra money should spend for the betterment of economic spin-off..Unlike some rich and famous people who prefer to keep their monetary fund in overseas account......
Other thoughts
Sharing is enriching one's life...Experiences of ours are lessons for others.. We could not see these before..Others could see them.. and may take as guidances for future...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What ? A Jinn image?

Salam to all
This posting is different compared to others..Why?..Well I want to share this image snapped by my son Nurhanifan during our rehlah(picnic) at Mount Angsi river could be during Chinese New Year holidays. Nurhanifan did not realize this until a day before we went to Kuching. He tried to clear some space in his handphone memory. Suddenly he called me .."Mama looked at his picture..I did not do anything.." " I only wanted to take Ammar's picture(little brother)..the image behind was acidental".."Ye Mama remembered this group ..they came ..almost midday..had some barbecues then left the place much earlier than us..without my notice"..
What A fuss? Look at the picture carefully..behind Ammar's you see two white images? No legs ..hanging. That's the thing..all of us(except my husband..he has a different opinion about this) concluded that images were jinn either visitors to the group or may be part of the group! Nowadays people wear all kinds of weird things..such as susuk etc...ubat pelaris eh! eh! Jahilliyyah practice. Neither Nurhaniffan nor me a picture doctor..To add our brother in law looked at the picture..then ye! He said only nokia phones could catch that kind of image..according to him many times nokia handphone could capture weird pictures?
p/s hey..hey I encountered some problems while uploading this
Monday, March 9, 2009
International women's day
Salam to all
I would like to wish to all women "A happy Women's Day", celebrated throughout the world on 8th March 2009. The state of Selangor has declared on the day as 'a safe and peaceful world for women'. To say the world is a safe place..needs a committment of all to eradicate the problems of poverty, domestic violence, illiteracy, dignity and other unsolved issues.
Women are regarded highly in Islam. Surah An-Nisa'(women) is one example. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W..once asked "who should one obey?" The answer " your mother"..Again he was asked..The answer was " your mother"..The same answer for the third time. Only then he said "your father" for the fourth time when asked the same question..
So love your mother and obey her(of cause things which are not contradictory with syariah).. You would miss her dearly when she was no longer I experienced.. May Allah give the rewards of a mukmin and place her in Al-Jannah....What can I say ..thank you mak for carrying me for nine months, enduring a difficult labour then raising, feeding, clothing, protecting and loving me...endless labour of love..InsyaAllah your noble roles will not disappear from my mind since your sudden departure from my life in February 1982..Al-Fathihah..
p/s My eyes are full I'll stop here..
I would like to wish to all women "A happy Women's Day", celebrated throughout the world on 8th March 2009. The state of Selangor has declared on the day as 'a safe and peaceful world for women'. To say the world is a safe place..needs a committment of all to eradicate the problems of poverty, domestic violence, illiteracy, dignity and other unsolved issues.
Women are regarded highly in Islam. Surah An-Nisa'(women) is one example. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W..once asked "who should one obey?" The answer " your mother"..Again he was asked..The answer was " your mother"..The same answer for the third time. Only then he said "your father" for the fourth time when asked the same question..
So love your mother and obey her(of cause things which are not contradictory with syariah).. You would miss her dearly when she was no longer I experienced.. May Allah give the rewards of a mukmin and place her in Al-Jannah....What can I say ..thank you mak for carrying me for nine months, enduring a difficult labour then raising, feeding, clothing, protecting and loving me...endless labour of love..InsyaAllah your noble roles will not disappear from my mind since your sudden departure from my life in February 1982..Al-Fathihah..
p/s My eyes are full I'll stop here..
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Old Order

Assalamualaikum wbrt

A holy cause
Well after sometimes following the updates of Obama foreign policy..nothing new on the Palestine issue. The Clinton visit to the Middle East reconfirms many observers' prediction that status quo remain (see my entry on New President new order or New President old order?). She said "Israel has the right to defend themselves if Hamas continues firing rockets to the Israeli territory". What she did not say was ' the Palestinians have the rights to defend themselves after their land being confiscated and thousands were killed and displaced from their own land..' So same old order of American biased policy towards the 'illegal nation of Israel'. The fights are on-going and continuing till justice prevail. Some Palestinian speakers in one of the talks I attended previously mentioned that the Al-mighty Allah wants to give more rewards to the defenders of Islam in this ummah fight..Why? The third holy land that places Al Aqsa and As-Sakra is the muslim land. Saidina Omar RH when he came with Bilal with a camel to recieve the keys to Baitulmuqqadis from the Romans had declared the land and its surrounding as waqaf to all muslims..
When Baitulmuqqaddis fell again into the hands of non-muslims, another great muslim warrior came to rescue this holy land.. a land of anbiya..Sallehuddin Al Ayubi was not a Palestinian. He was a Kurdish but he knew it was tantamount for muslims to continue jihad in the cause until succees. What were the criteria for warriors to be eligible in the frontline of battle...a person must read and memorize Al-Quran..Tahajud at talking nonsense while in the camp...In one of his visits to the camp..when he saw a group of warriors were in the state of idle talk..He said "if we were to be defeated, it must be due to the occupants of this camp.. In another instance at a different camp..he saw a group of people who were busy reading and memorising Al-Quran..he said if we were able to defeat the enemy it must be from this camp"
That was the preparation of jihadis during Salehuddin Al-Ayubi time. Time for reflection..Are we ready to do the same?...Until then there are many unfullfilled criteria that need improvements which should start with our intention and clarification of niat (As-Syams 1-8). Firstly I am reminding myself to continuously check my relationship with Allah, ..Love to the foremost aim..To seek pleasure of the Creator not to seek human praises..Ibrahim Adham a learned person used to say..Continue doing what Allah pleases even though people surround you displease them...
Friday sharing
7 Rabiulawwal 1430H
Jejak Maulidur Rasul 9 Rabiulawal 1430H...Sirah perjuangan nabi Muhammad S.A.W
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Single mother and her predicament
Salam to all
Sad story
While having breakfast normally I read two newspapers one English daily and the other is the Malay. The NST front page did not really attract my eyes since it was about money and politics of MIC. But this story in Kosmo front page is the sad flavour for my day...It is a story about a single mum with 12 children living in a shack if we can call it but it is worst than that...some more the shack is in the bush somewher in Jerantut Pahang. I was in tears because how could that happen ... May Allah grants lots of reward to this brave mother by the name Rosni Abdullah 41 years old. She only receives RM70 from JKM and RM15 per day for her job as a kitchen hand. Besides that she has to walk (?) for 16 km to the stall she helps out. If you see her face, she looks happy with the small children but who knows inside.. She must worry about her children' safety and future..All children aged 15-4 years old plus do not attend any school or formal education..
My hunch
Sorry male folks, you may think I am giving a gender biased view..but this predicament of Rosni..make me think where is the ex-husband ? He ran away from his responsibilities? matter what his occupation is..the news say he is a rubber tapper. No mater what happen in our marriage, do not make the children suffer. It is wajib for the father to provide are accountable to Allah. If you do not believe me you can check with syariah court how many pending cases for the nafkah claim by the single mothers....( a talk to syarie lawyer will confirm this - I did check this fact). The cases are mounting...but some mothers who do not have any resources and accessibility just bottle up and suffer in silence...and may make doa' leave these matters to Allah...
Those who are poor feel powerless and defendless as proven in my poverty and development research..Normally they do not claim that they are in dire needs of help..we the individuals and community need to always on the look out for giving a helping hand..I am sure Rosni is very much eligible for the zakat ...
This surah At-Talaq(65) verses 1-7 specifically mentioned about divorce proceeding and entitlements of nafkah and the rights of the women in iddah. The word taqwa was mentioned many times in the surah...So tepuk dada tanya selera..Is taqwa not yet in our heart?
Just a thought
2/3/09/5 Rabiul Awwal 1430H
Sad story
While having breakfast normally I read two newspapers one English daily and the other is the Malay. The NST front page did not really attract my eyes since it was about money and politics of MIC. But this story in Kosmo front page is the sad flavour for my day...It is a story about a single mum with 12 children living in a shack if we can call it but it is worst than that...some more the shack is in the bush somewher in Jerantut Pahang. I was in tears because how could that happen ... May Allah grants lots of reward to this brave mother by the name Rosni Abdullah 41 years old. She only receives RM70 from JKM and RM15 per day for her job as a kitchen hand. Besides that she has to walk (?) for 16 km to the stall she helps out. If you see her face, she looks happy with the small children but who knows inside.. She must worry about her children' safety and future..All children aged 15-4 years old plus do not attend any school or formal education..
My hunch
Sorry male folks, you may think I am giving a gender biased view..but this predicament of Rosni..make me think where is the ex-husband ? He ran away from his responsibilities? matter what his occupation is..the news say he is a rubber tapper. No mater what happen in our marriage, do not make the children suffer. It is wajib for the father to provide are accountable to Allah. If you do not believe me you can check with syariah court how many pending cases for the nafkah claim by the single mothers....( a talk to syarie lawyer will confirm this - I did check this fact). The cases are mounting...but some mothers who do not have any resources and accessibility just bottle up and suffer in silence...and may make doa' leave these matters to Allah...
Those who are poor feel powerless and defendless as proven in my poverty and development research..Normally they do not claim that they are in dire needs of help..we the individuals and community need to always on the look out for giving a helping hand..I am sure Rosni is very much eligible for the zakat ...
This surah At-Talaq(65) verses 1-7 specifically mentioned about divorce proceeding and entitlements of nafkah and the rights of the women in iddah. The word taqwa was mentioned many times in the surah...So tepuk dada tanya selera..Is taqwa not yet in our heart?
Just a thought
2/3/09/5 Rabiul Awwal 1430H
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