Salam to all again
Family event
Family adds colour to our life. Last Chinese New Year on 26th January 2009, Nursyuhada Jasni my niece is officially engaged to Khairil.from Panchor , Muar. Nursyuhada told me they met at University of Malaya..then of course during their undergaduate days. Norsyuhada is a lecturer at UiTM Segamat and Khairil is with oil and gas company working in Dungun. Congratulations..InsyaAllah they will be solemnised sometimes in October this year. To date I am a grandmother to 3 grandchildren.offsprings of my niece and nephew(my side).Syuhada will be the fourth in our family to get married.
Time flies no turning back. We wish we were in the old days time frame. Allah has granted so much nikmah in our life..so just treasure them.. That reminds me of how beautiful the cycle of life is. I remembered vividly the birth of my sons..each one of them and the difficult experiences that I had to endure and the joyous moments of seeing Allah's precious gifts..At the same time we witnessed the sad event of losing someone close to us like parting with our mother or father forever untill the next world..What can I say this is the journey of all of us ..human beings on this earth. The life, the earth, the universe and all belong to Our Creator, the Al-Mighty Allah.
8 Safar 1430H/4thtFebruary2009
Salam and Hi KP, bakal pengantin ni comel...mak sedara kat sebelah dia comel gak...
Tq mokteh dtg.. Masih ingat lagi kecik2 dulu, masa mokteh blaja kt australia, kiteorg satu famili salu dpt coklat ngn buku cite :)
Tp skang sume anak sedara dh besar, dan bertmbh new members dlm family..
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