On the summit of Gunung Angsi
We surpassed this group
Sulaim, Firdaus, Abrar and Ammar at base camp
Nurhanifan can sleep anywhere
Preparation before ascending
Sulaim, Firdaus, Abrar and Ammar at base camp
Nurhanifan can sleep anywhere
Preparation before ascending
Tents and Waqaf
Assalamualaikum wbrt and peace to all,
The weekend of 13-14 th December was wet. It was a rainning season for Malaysia. My husband and his friend had planned to do mountain climbing at Ulu Bendul, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia. The planning was to camp at the base mountain with the children and only two of us continued the climbing the next morning..
Some deterrants
It was not a welcoming condition at the site when we arrived around 5.30 p.m on Saturday evening. The river was murky and not conducive to do any activity. The children showed their disproval kind of face.. After consulting the ranger, we finally found the spot near a 'waqaf' to put up our camping gear..Around 6.3o p.m I cooked simple dinner with eggs and sardines as main course.. added with cherry tomatoes and fried qurban beef.... After enjoying themselves in the murky river (not to the small children's eyes), Abrar, Sulaim and Ammar ate their dinner like a horse...big appetite...my simple cooking turned to scrumptious dinner..ha..ha...Amru and Nurhanifan also joined their little brothers...with even much bigger portion of food..Nuruddin (the eldest)was not with us, he was away doing community work at Yan Kedah with his schoolmates...
It was not a welcoming condition at the site when we arrived around 5.30 p.m on Saturday evening. The river was murky and not conducive to do any activity. The children showed their disproval kind of face.. After consulting the ranger, we finally found the spot near a 'waqaf' to put up our camping gear..Around 6.3o p.m I cooked simple dinner with eggs and sardines as main course.. added with cherry tomatoes and fried qurban beef.... After enjoying themselves in the murky river (not to the small children's eyes), Abrar, Sulaim and Ammar ate their dinner like a horse...big appetite...my simple cooking turned to scrumptious dinner..ha..ha...Amru and Nurhanifan also joined their little brothers...with even much bigger portion of food..Nuruddin (the eldest)was not with us, he was away doing community work at Yan Kedah with his schoolmates...
Later on, our friends Rosman and Nornaimah and his eldest son joined us and put his tent next to us..they also cooked simple meals but delicious..that is kangkung tauchu and dried fish called "bulu ayam"...With these added food we really enjoyed our dinner in the forest.
The next morning..the situation was much better, the river was clear and very inviting to the children to splash down..After a quick breakfast with tuna sandwiches and leftover rice..they quickly went to the river..
Ascending Mount Angsi
We prepared simple sandwiches, plain water, two cans of "hundred plus", some biscuits and two hard boiled eggs for our trip to Gunung Angsi..We left around 8.45 a.m to start our ascending climb..Amazing Firdaus 5 years old also joined his parents..A strong child.. Ahead of us a group of 59 secondary school children already startedd their journey may be 45 minutes earlier. we walked according to our phase.. as usual I liked to walk behind the group..so that I would not feel the pressure..We did stop at a few places for photo session and nature call..Finally around 12.45p.m we arrived at the summit of Angsi..nice view SubhanAllah..Actually we managed to surpassed half of the secondary group..means we arrived earlier than them...not bad hah..
After one hour of resting and lunch session, we descended back to the base camp..The journey was faster, it took 3 hours going down the mountain..As far as I can remember, Gunung Nuang is a more difficult track to go through..With less energy, we needed to be more extra careful and alert while descending the mountain.. Upon arrival I quickly settled down at a stall..guest what..I drank two glasses of "Cincau" and one glass of soya..one after the other..and ate one currypuff and one nasi lemak. Only after I felt some energy came in...well after 7 hours of walking..This trip was supposssed to be the trainning session because the next weekend we would do an expedition to Gunung Marapi, Bukit Tinggi Sumatera (19-22 December 2008).
We need to work as a group while mountain-climbing..always be patience, self-determination..no selfishness, always helping each other..We need to have a proper and good gear ( I destroyed my shoes because it was not meant for mountain climbing) and most important enough water..you would sweat alot..only after 20 minutes of climbing..
Not to forget doas.."Bismillahillazilayadurrumaasmihisyaiunfissamawatiwalardh" We ask Allah for protection..the One who controls the earth and sky and its inhabitants...
p/s InsyAllah will write about Gunung Marapi Expedition
Salam KP...jelaousnya kita dengar panjat gunung lagi...tak sabar nak dengar penagalaman panjat Gunung Merapi kat Indon ni...
Salam kak Puziah...rajinnya pi panjat2 gunung & ekspedisi....
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