Salam everyone,
The month of November I received surprised calls, one from a friend since standard one till form 1, and secondly my former housemate while doing my undergaduate in 1980s in Sydney Australia. Both traced me through UiTM web and UiTM telephone receptionist. However, each one tracked me for a different reason.
Wow, the first one, the last time we met when we just finished our SPM. There were news and second hand stories but all in more than 27 years we do not see eye to eye. I just could not believe it when I heard the voice. The reason he called because he is organizing a reunion during Eiduladha, MasyaAllah what a noble job..hubungan silatulrahim..The job is just a tremendous hard work..to trace almost forty people. He would also extend his invitation to our primary school teachers..so nostalgic..so touching seeing our pictures in primary school days.
The second friend, was trying to contact me almost a month, Alhamdullillah she managed to talk to me. She asked for forgiveness and wanted to pay back 'something' she borrowed years ago which I could not remember at all. The reason she will perform her haj.. so touching I just said " dah..dah halal". No matter what amount ..I pray for her safe journey to perform haj and may get hajj mabrur ..Norhaneyma Md Said....Ameen.
I like the quote written by Adib on the first page of reunion message..something like this "persahabatan yang jujur (ikhlas), tiada hasad dengki, iri hati, .. tiada istilah pandai atau tidak pandai" purely on friendship. Untill now we still cherish the moments when we were still children...like fighting, punishment, liking and disliking.. Growing up in small towns or rather a "pekan" gave advantages to us. We know each other quite well including family lineage and relatives. The reunion on the 8th December 2008 provides space for catching up news of others e.g who has B1, B2 or S1, or S2..da ..da.. guess what it means.
Something to remember for this Eidul Adha - 1429H
Puziah Ahmad
Someone who has been called as "Kecut" during the reunion...
10 December 2008/12 Zulhijjah 1429H
1 comment:
Salam KP..I am not a long lost friend..presently a long distance friend and I really value our friendship...hope your phd is going well and excellent..InsyaAllah ye...
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