Salam to all
Alhamdulillah we are blessed with the months of Rejab, Syaaban and Ramadhan. The weather outside is not that conducive for outdoor activities. Hazy weather looks to be a norm for us but the downpour last night could cleanse some polluted air. Anyhow..the posting this time is not from tourism board of cuti-cuti Indonesia. It is just a form of sharing views and experiences. Mt.Bromo and Panajakan are two places of surety to be promoted by normal guides in Surabaya. The locations are in Probolinngo area, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours from Surabaya. Another place that seems to be interesting is Indonesia Safari park 2...
Sea of sand..near Bromo..stranded here for more than 1 hour due to a mechanical failure of the red four wheel ..
At first I declined to be on this pony..but the constant persuasion
of "ibu saya memerlukan wang...naiklah..ibu pun tak penat..", I accepted the offer of parting with RP45000..that was the charge. The other two guys also "cair"..the rest of the macho men proceeded by walking...
The background is Mt.Panabalikan

The crater of Mt.Bromo
Urgh...200 steps to the top of Mt.Bromo after 7 hrs of walking from Mt.Kalimati to Ranupanie the night before...not easily done weh..
The structure at the the Hindu pura..the Temple for Hindus ala ala Balinese garden
Ye..Indonesia is really certain location you feel many people living on a small portion of land..but at the same time there are hardly people seen around on this part of earth..Subhanallah..the mountainous areas are really assests especially for nature lovers..Allah's gifts to all of us
29 Rejab 1430H...Celeberate the month of Rejab with more amal ibadah..InsyaAllah...
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