Salam to all
Water rafting is an extreme sport...but wait till you experience the fun..That was what happened to me..I was sort of having a dreadful feeling when the group decided to venture water rafting instead of drenching under the sun on an island beach.
Ye..what to do I told myself just follow...
Near a rapid then off you "boom" would scream at the top of your voice..luckily the monkeys and other tropical animals were accustomed to the pitching voices of human beings that echoed through their serene environment.. After three falls you might start having a feeling ye...then you want the thrill again and again and of course the rapid now not that high ...So we experienced the fourth and third level of water rafting...The fifth level is reserved for the highly skilled adventurers. All the men said we had made a right choice..and at the end I agreed..haha
31 July 2009/9 Syaabaan 1430H
P/s Songa (sungai)
Kali Bokong (this is a local custom which is hard to digest...doing bathroom bisness along the river especially early morning and particularly elderly people ... wearing nothing..we had to endure the scene while going up the mountain of Songa adventure.. Along the river, there are many madrasah and pansentren..privately operated..look very organised...I guess some spices to be added to our value system...I mean Malaysian way of looking at things (?)