Salam semua
Mulai hari ini 29.5.09 hingga 8.6.09 kami akan meraikan anak-anak, keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Berikut adalah jadual perjalanan kami;
1. Esok (30.05.09) saya ada mesyuarat penubuhan koperasi bekas pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Abdullah Sg.Mati, Muar Johor di dewan sekolah. Diarahkan menjadi penyambut tetamu dan beli hadiah untuk tetamu. Dikira tidak membebankan. Muga Allah permudahkan urusan penubuhan koperasi ini atau KOBASA. Banyak tenaga-tenaga di belakang tabir yang menjalankan tugas dengan penuh dedikasi. Terimakasih ya semua.
2. Kami akan mengambil peluang bermalam 2 malam di rumah peninggalan ibubapa saya di Bukit Serampang yang dijagai oleh kakak dan mengambil peluang seboleh mungkin melawat saudara yang lain InsyaAllah.
3. Meraikan anak-anak di Kuantan dan Cherating semalam . Kemudian selepas itu ke Terengganu mungkin dua malam. Kalau ada rezeki pergi ke Pulau Kapas. Selalunya kami balik Kelantan melalui Gua Musang sebab jalan yang terpendek. Tetapi kalau dari Muar kami pergi melalui Jalan Jeranggau-Jabor daripada Lebuhraya Pantai Timur. Kali ini kami akan menyusuri jalan pantai tidak melalui Jeranggau.
4. InsyaAllah hari Rabu balik ke Kubang Kerian ke rumah ibu mertua dan menziarahi beliau. Khamis dan Jumaat mungkin ronda-ronda Kota Bahru dan jajahannya mencari makanan Kelantan yang asli. Suami selalunya mengambil peluang mendengar ceramah Tok Guru pada pagi Jumaat di Kota Bahru dan melawat tempat-tempat kenangannya di situ.
5. Sabtu dan Ahad adalah hari perkahwinan anak saudara suami di Kubang Kerian. Jadi kami akan meraikan majlis itu sambil menolong apa yang patut. Hakikatnya..tak banyak kerja pun semuanya pihak katerer yang uruskan..
6. Isnin, setelah selesai urusan tersebut, Insyaallah kami pulang semula ke Shah Alam melaui jalan terpendek, melalui Gua Musang.
Subhanallazisahkharanahazawamakunnalahhumukrinin. Wainnaillarabbinalamunkalibun. Muga Allah memelihara keselamatan kami sewaktu berkenderaan dan berjaulah. Permudahkan segala urusan dan memberkahi perjalanan ini . Ameen
Sharing is enriching one's life...Experiences of ours are lessons for others.. We could not see these before..Others could see them.. and may take as guidances for future...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Crime and social ills
Salam to all,
A cold blooded mercy for the boy. Alhamdullillah , the boy with Allah's help managed to create a story that the parents are divorced..The van stopped at the traffic light at the UiTM junction and so the boy with his intelligence successfully jumped from the van and escaped..went to the UiTM gate and guard house. The criminals did not try to run after him since he was in the UiTM compound. However they threw parangs and other weapons, luckily did not hit the boy. He is still traumatized by the incident..kept saying that the parents are divorced. After the escape he did not remember his house. Someone sent him to a condominium guard house not far from his place. He was in a state of shock and grief...the father found him there around 9.00p.m..Alhamdullilah safe and sound back to the family.
The police report was made..the van registration number was belonging to a Mercedez benz reported lost in Johor Bahru. Despite the event the boy remembered the vehicle number , Alhamdullillah.
1. To train our children do not respond to unkown faces
2. Members of the public must be aware and report all weird events.
3. Lots of crime preventions tools to be available such as contact numbers.
Social ills
The society is very sick now with the rising crimes. Everyday we would read or hear someone was murdered, raped, abducted and other ills ....It is scary and a feeling of insecurity in the place we called our home country...Who to blame?...Name it all..One thing for sure it has to start from one's home...Amar maaruf and Nahi mungkar..Everyone has to do it..
P/s Mashitah's Lesson no.4 - Parents should know the child's whereabout.
Tonight, Thursday night of 28th May '09 the community members of the housing area will hold a meeeting with the police and MBSA councillors(MPPzone 3) to discuss this pertinent matter.
Attempted abduction
Nurin Jazlin, Adik Nini and Asmawawi are the names that would click our mind when we heard about child abduction. My hunch is that there could many more incidents unreported. Safety is a nightmare word for all parents. I want to relate to one incident that happened near my house recently (Sunday, 24th May 2009). A boy aged 12 years old walked along the footpath next to the playing ground, and near a surau.. He lives there not far from the surau. There were still activities on the playing field. Time around 6.30 p.m. Suddenly there was a van with five males from a certain race. One of them approached him with a piece of paper asking for some directions...After that he showed a knife and cornered the boy inside the van. Tied him and asked " awak anak orang kaya atau miskin". "Kalau anak orang kaya kami nak minta duit, kalau anak orang miskin kami nak bunuh!" Just like that..If your a rich kid we want to demand ransom if you are not rich we just kill you". The abduction episode was not realized even though there were people in the field..A cold blooded mercy for the boy. Alhamdullillah , the boy with Allah's help managed to create a story that the parents are divorced..The van stopped at the traffic light at the UiTM junction and so the boy with his intelligence successfully jumped from the van and escaped..went to the UiTM gate and guard house. The criminals did not try to run after him since he was in the UiTM compound. However they threw parangs and other weapons, luckily did not hit the boy. He is still traumatized by the incident..kept saying that the parents are divorced. After the escape he did not remember his house. Someone sent him to a condominium guard house not far from his place. He was in a state of shock and grief...the father found him there around 9.00p.m..Alhamdullilah safe and sound back to the family.
The police report was made..the van registration number was belonging to a Mercedez benz reported lost in Johor Bahru. Despite the event the boy remembered the vehicle number , Alhamdullillah.
1. To train our children do not respond to unkown faces
2. Members of the public must be aware and report all weird events.
3. Lots of crime preventions tools to be available such as contact numbers.
Social ills
The society is very sick now with the rising crimes. Everyday we would read or hear someone was murdered, raped, abducted and other ills ....It is scary and a feeling of insecurity in the place we called our home country...Who to blame?...Name it all..One thing for sure it has to start from one's home...Amar maaruf and Nahi mungkar..Everyone has to do it..
P/s Mashitah's Lesson no.4 - Parents should know the child's whereabout.
Tonight, Thursday night of 28th May '09 the community members of the housing area will hold a meeeting with the police and MBSA councillors(MPPzone 3) to discuss this pertinent matter.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Nakbah Palestine

Salam to all..
Palestine was annexed by the world conquerer named the British and the allies on the 15 May 1948. The prosperous land was the landmark of three major world faiths. History has shown the people of different faiths could coexist under Islamic rulers. However, the Zionist announced the establishment of Israel State on 14th May 1948 by wiping out the name of Palestine on its map. The word of Palestine does not exist on the world map anymore! If that is not cruel enough what could we say! It is NAKBAH - A disaster for all of us the muslims and its original inhabitants. Now that we could not visit the third sacred mosque of Al Aqsa and gain 500 hasanah when performing solat there....our rights are denied..
It is tantamount for all of us to free Palestine from the illegal occupation...of the aggressors...
15th May should be remembered each year as NAKBAH until.....only in the knowledge of Allah the AlMighty..the day we say 'Palestine is free'...
A tribute to all ..the defenders of true faith. The pictures paint the struggle of its people in their own land....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sungai Chilling
Sungai Chilling is a nice place to do jungle trekking and water activities. It is not far from the city ..a few kilometres further up the Ulu Yam recreational areas. One has to pass through Sungai Selangor Dam, and Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara Kuala Kubu Bharu before arriving the Sungai Chilling gate...The Sungai Chilling forest reserve has been designated as Permanent forest reserve and meant for water catchment area for Selangor.
The trip was made sometime in Mac '09. From the road we have to walk about 45 minutes and crossing the river three times (this is the fun part..the children were enjoying themselves..Sometimes we have to use a rope if the river flow was strong).. The area is still well-kept with facilities of toilets and surau at the base. Camping is not allowed in the forest except at the base. I think I can give 4/5..and would recommend to others to visit. UluYam is just overuse and poorly maintained. Expatriates are frequent visitors to this place....Fishing is prohibited since the river is a 'rare species protection area' for kelah and alike...
My adventure
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Way to go..Wong..Save fireflies

Salam all
An excerpt from NST Thursday May 7, 2009/12 RabiulAkhir 1430H...
Title : River buffer zones to preserve the fireflies
" The Selangor state government is going to take over and gazette river reserve and buffer zones along 20km stretch of Sungai Selangor in an effort to conserve the dwindling firefly colonies in Kampung Kuantan and Kampung Bukit Belimbing. State executive councillor for Torism, Consumer Affairs and Environment said the remaining firefly colonies would die out by the end of year if drastic steps were not taken to save the remaining ones." "We were at a critical juncture and we have to move immmediately..If we don't, the colonies will die off by the end of year...50 percent of the colony had died off......" "The firefly colony of Kampung Kuantan is one of only two existing worldwide, the other being in Brazil" .." The state government was considering taking over 100 metres of land from the river bed to be gazetted as a buffer zone." " The problem with the area is that there is no river reserve in the area and the area is owned by 52 land owners who have titles to the area.."
My comments : It is high time for us to look after Allah's creation as meticulous as we can. The fireflies are just tremendously beautiful and I just love to watch their colonies on the 'berembang trees along Selangor's river'..In 2005 I brought my students from the class of environmental planning to the area, including my six-month old Ammar. Again 2007 I visited the place but only watching from the jetty since there was a strong tidal wave and my husband was against the idea of being in the small fishermen's boat..and trying to venture out in the darkness..No flashes and torchlights were allowed since these would shy away the creatures. TNB had one advertisement that highlighted the importance of light and firefly watching was the gimmic...then MAS lowcost carrier popularizes further with the name of firefly as official carrier...
On the serious note : Yes the area needs protection as I could see the encroachment of human activities has somewhat chased away the colony downstream since the berembang trees were no longer other activities took place. I just wonder, why the river reserve land was gone..and now somehow the reserve was owned...I am not really a fanatic of environment. but my mind always wonders...Malaysians like to travel overseas and spent tonnes of ringgits to admire the English landscape or rather its countryside beauty..and travelling to Europe to see the untouched mountainous Alps... Our environment is our capital which could blossom to potential assests of tourism..and in turn be able to be RM or income for our beloved country.
"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan bersilih ganti malam dan siang terdapat terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang yang berakal" (Ali-Imran : 190)
An excerpt from NST Thursday May 7, 2009/12 RabiulAkhir 1430H...
Title : River buffer zones to preserve the fireflies
" The Selangor state government is going to take over and gazette river reserve and buffer zones along 20km stretch of Sungai Selangor in an effort to conserve the dwindling firefly colonies in Kampung Kuantan and Kampung Bukit Belimbing. State executive councillor for Torism, Consumer Affairs and Environment said the remaining firefly colonies would die out by the end of year if drastic steps were not taken to save the remaining ones." "We were at a critical juncture and we have to move immmediately..If we don't, the colonies will die off by the end of year...50 percent of the colony had died off......" "The firefly colony of Kampung Kuantan is one of only two existing worldwide, the other being in Brazil" .." The state government was considering taking over 100 metres of land from the river bed to be gazetted as a buffer zone." " The problem with the area is that there is no river reserve in the area and the area is owned by 52 land owners who have titles to the area.."
My comments : It is high time for us to look after Allah's creation as meticulous as we can. The fireflies are just tremendously beautiful and I just love to watch their colonies on the 'berembang trees along Selangor's river'..In 2005 I brought my students from the class of environmental planning to the area, including my six-month old Ammar. Again 2007 I visited the place but only watching from the jetty since there was a strong tidal wave and my husband was against the idea of being in the small fishermen's boat..and trying to venture out in the darkness..No flashes and torchlights were allowed since these would shy away the creatures. TNB had one advertisement that highlighted the importance of light and firefly watching was the gimmic...then MAS lowcost carrier popularizes further with the name of firefly as official carrier...
On the serious note : Yes the area needs protection as I could see the encroachment of human activities has somewhat chased away the colony downstream since the berembang trees were no longer other activities took place. I just wonder, why the river reserve land was gone..and now somehow the reserve was owned...I am not really a fanatic of environment. but my mind always wonders...Malaysians like to travel overseas and spent tonnes of ringgits to admire the English landscape or rather its countryside beauty..and travelling to Europe to see the untouched mountainous Alps... Our environment is our capital which could blossom to potential assests of tourism..and in turn be able to be RM or income for our beloved country.
"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan bersilih ganti malam dan siang terdapat terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang yang berakal" (Ali-Imran : 190)
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