Sungai Chilling is a nice place to do jungle trekking and water activities. It is not far from the city ..a few kilometres further up the Ulu Yam recreational areas. One has to pass through Sungai Selangor Dam, and Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara Kuala Kubu Bharu before arriving the Sungai Chilling gate...The Sungai Chilling forest reserve has been designated as Permanent forest reserve and meant for water catchment area for Selangor.
The trip was made sometime in Mac '09. From the road we have to walk about 45 minutes and crossing the river three times (this is the fun part..the children were enjoying themselves..Sometimes we have to use a rope if the river flow was strong).. The area is still well-kept with facilities of toilets and surau at the base. Camping is not allowed in the forest except at the base. I think I can give 4/5..and would recommend to others to visit. UluYam is just overuse and poorly maintained. Expatriates are frequent visitors to this place....Fishing is prohibited since the river is a 'rare species protection area' for kelah and alike...
My adventure
Would love to go there one day. It will take a lot of convincing Yazid though.
Betul Mimi best..sejuk dan nyaman..tunjukklah gambar yg nyaman nie kat dia...kot tergoda..
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