Salam kesejahteraan pada semua..
Apa ye..Surah Al-Asr "Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian kecuali orang beriman dan beramal soleh; yang berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan dengan kesabaran" Apa kaitan dengan rutin harian?.
Rutin harian
Hari ini saya terfikir hei..apakah saya melakukan kerja harian kehidupan samada hal akademik atau lainnya sebagai satu rutin. Hakikatnya..pagi-pagi menyediakan sarapan ringkas untuk tiga orang yang akan ke sekolah dan ke tempat kerja ..seawal 7.05 mereka telah meninggalkan rumah. seterusnya saya harus menyediakan dua orang anak yang akan ke tadika..satu mula pukul 8.00 pagi satu lagi 8.30.. dan rutinnya sikecik ni akan menyinggah ke Petronas s.7 untuk beli tah apa2. Hei memang membosankan hari-hari nak singgah..tapi apakan daya..dari dengar dia melalak..ikutkan je. Selesai hal mereka dalam pukul 8.45pagi..saya terfikir pula nak makan apa ye hari ini..sarapan apa untuk saya dan lauk apa nak dimasak atau ditapau dari
Tengok mood ..rasa malas beli semua..bosan makan makanan kedai..masak sikit-sikit ikan ke dan sayur atau ayam dan daging. dan kalau masih sikecik tu tak selera nanti.. belilah burger atau nasi lemak kukus waktu malam nanti..
Kalau Amru di rumah(dia nie duduk asrama sekolah Jais) selalunya saya tak risau dengan pembaziran makanan kerana makanan rumah adalah satu keistemewaan untuknya setelah puas makan makanan asrama sure habisnya... Alhamdulillah.
Selalunya dalam 10-11.00 pagi baru buat kerja akademik...tupun bukannya terus produktif..kekadang tengok mel lah atau ronda blog kekawan dan blog sosio-ekonomi-politik..kena tahu juga hal negara dan dunia. Petangnya sebelum pukul enam kanak-kanak tadika tadi dikutip semula...Nampak macam hektikkkan..tapi itulah hakikat kehidupan ibu/pelajar/pekerja/isteri...
Sembang-sembang kekawan
Ada teman fspu(tempat belajar dan bekerja di UiTM) yang lelaki kata "hei Puziah dah lama tak nampak."... "You memerap ye" .
."Mana ade?jawab saya..
"Jangan macam tu nanti boleh jadi tak betul "...."Ada orang lepas buat Phd jadi macam tu"
Hakikatnya mungkin untuk satu hari saya buat kerja mungkin 2-3 jam je....tak de le sepanjang masa fikir benda phd nie
"Hei banyak benda dalam hidup ni kena uruslah"..."I kalau keluar bilik ni jawabnya tak memikirlah hal2 Phd nie" " Otak nie kena bahagi-bahagi untuk benda2 lain"..Tambah saya
Jawap teman tu ."Oh you perempuan memanglah boleh buat macam tu ..multi tasking..lelaki selalunya fokus satu benda je.." "Ya ke?" tangkas seorang yang lain.. Tu yang boleh 2, 3 isteri.. Dah masuk topik lain pulak....
Alhamdulillah setakat nie saya masih melakukan hal-hal ini selama hampir 20 tahun semenjak bergelar isteri dulu..Hal-hal anak..urusan rumahtangga dan sebagainya..sebagaimana dalam surah Al-Asr kita niatkan itu amal ibadah kita dan InsyaAllah ia menjadi amal soleh dan kita tidak berada dalam kerugian ..kerana kita melakukan urusan hablumminnas dan habluminnallah..menjaga urusan dengan manusia dan dengan Alllah..dan kita terus bersabar...Muga Allah meletakkan saya di dalam kesabaran dan terus berada di landasan kesabaran dan kebenaran.
Pendapat lima posen
1 Rabiul Awal 1430H
p/s baru sat tadi dengar kat radio, sebelum Islam, rabiul awal dipanggil bulan musim bunga
Sharing is enriching one's life...Experiences of ours are lessons for others.. We could not see these before..Others could see them.. and may take as guidances for future...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Salam to all.
Writting process
As I am in the writing process, I found some tips in Glatthorn and Loyner (2005). The book entitled " Writing the winning thesis or dissertation". It was recommended during the research methodology class way back in 2006.
How to present the results?. The writers recommended that the results may be written according to the option the researcher choose for the format. These include; "
1.By hypotheses..H 1 , 2..
2. By research question, RQ1, 2..
3. By research method; interviews, survey,..
4. By cronological pattern..and
5. By variables...gender, concepts etc
For me I followed option 2, by research questions. I have two main research questions with 5 sub-research questions..
Other tips, not to interpret the data in the result section, otherwise not much to say in the discussion chapter. The narrative style of writing can be adopted in this section.
My comments
At first I seemed to be in a maze with all the statiscal figure. I think by structuring the thoughts and format, things were getting clearer though not crystal clear. So just follow the recommendation by the writer, that would save the troubles later..
My opinion
Writting process
As I am in the writing process, I found some tips in Glatthorn and Loyner (2005). The book entitled " Writing the winning thesis or dissertation". It was recommended during the research methodology class way back in 2006.
How to present the results?. The writers recommended that the results may be written according to the option the researcher choose for the format. These include; "
1.By hypotheses..H 1 , 2..
2. By research question, RQ1, 2..
3. By research method; interviews, survey,..
4. By cronological pattern..and
5. By variables...gender, concepts etc
For me I followed option 2, by research questions. I have two main research questions with 5 sub-research questions..
Other tips, not to interpret the data in the result section, otherwise not much to say in the discussion chapter. The narrative style of writing can be adopted in this section.
My comments
At first I seemed to be in a maze with all the statiscal figure. I think by structuring the thoughts and format, things were getting clearer though not crystal clear. So just follow the recommendation by the writer, that would save the troubles later..
My opinion
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mount Kinabalu the highest peak in South East Asia - My Experience
Salam to all

Mesilau and Timpohon Track
Hope everyone is well. This posting is about mountain climbing again. The trip I did in January 2006, right after I registered my PHD at UiTM. My intention of climbing was mainly about experiencing the challenges and enjoying fantastic flora and fauna of the world class recognition. If I am not mistaken Mt.Kinabalu is a United Nation heritage site. We followed the Mesilau track. It took about 8 hours to reach the Laban Rata challet. Then 3.30 a.m in the morning we started the climbing again and reaching the summit around 7 a.m. More than one hundred people were there in the wee hour to watch the sunrise. After the photo session and resting a while, the decending started again at around 7.30 a.m. We reached Laban Rata around 10.00 a.m. After packing up we continued the decending journey around 11 something through Timpohon Gate and arrived at the mountain base before 4.00 p.m. The Mesilau track was very beautiful with bonsai trees, and I would highly recommend for those we have high interest on tropical flora and fauna. On the other hand the Timpohon Gate is rather shorter in distance and the walking trip to Laban Rata only took 6 hours. Laban Rata was cold at night, and some challets did not have any heating facilities. If anyone has altitude sickness, you can feel it at this level. You might feel dizzy or nausea and your journey might just end at this level. The guide for sure will advise us to go down as soon as possible due to the impending danger.
Some tips
Make sure wearing proper attire especially at nights and while climbing to the summit because the temperature normally would be less than 10 degress celcius. The sports shoes are not suitable, must use a mountain climbing type because the slippery zone for the last 3 km to the top. Furthermore a downpour usually happens in the afternoon. If it is raining heavily the ascending mission to the summit cannot be continued for that day. So pray hard so that your mission is attainable. Another thing a climber should bring a good raincoat or jacket because the downpour can disturb your comfort. Oh ye! there is a restaurant up there at Laban Rata, so do not burden yourself with heavy load especially foodstuff. Otherwise hire a porter. Enjoy the view on the summit.... Allah is the Al-Mighty. Subhanallah..Alhamdulillah ..mission accomplished
Puziah Ahmad
11.02.09/15 Safar 1430H
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Extended Family
Salam to all again
Family event
Family adds colour to our life. Last Chinese New Year on 26th January 2009, Nursyuhada Jasni my niece is officially engaged to Khairil.from Panchor , Muar. Nursyuhada told me they met at University of Malaya..then of course during their undergaduate days. Norsyuhada is a lecturer at UiTM Segamat and Khairil is with oil and gas company working in Dungun. Congratulations..InsyaAllah they will be solemnised sometimes in October this year. To date I am a grandmother to 3 grandchildren.offsprings of my niece and nephew(my side).Syuhada will be the fourth in our family to get married.
Time flies no turning back. We wish we were in the old days time frame. Allah has granted so much nikmah in our just treasure them.. That reminds me of how beautiful the cycle of life is. I remembered vividly the birth of my sons..each one of them and the difficult experiences that I had to endure and the joyous moments of seeing Allah's precious gifts..At the same time we witnessed the sad event of losing someone close to us like parting with our mother or father forever untill the next world..What can I say this is the journey of all of us ..human beings on this earth. The life, the earth, the universe and all belong to Our Creator, the Al-Mighty Allah.
8 Safar 1430H/4thtFebruary2009
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