Salam to all again..
Yesterday 11th January 2009/14 Muharam1430H the news said "more than 800 killed" and "more than 3000 injured".."The Israeli army deepen their aggresion in urban areas".. Ugh..laknatullah
I attended " Public Rally for Palestine" organised by AMAN palestine at the Malawati Stadium in Shah Alam with my friend Normah. The programme started at 10.am with more than 7000 people in the stadium. Public talk from various NGOs, UMNO, PKR and PAS, ABIM, ISMA, HALUAN and a representative from Gaza. High powered nasyids were performed by Muadz and Aman Palestine group. It was a highly inspired moment and most audience were from young Malaysian representatives..either university students or individuals. Personally I was touched by the atmosphere..with the chanting.."Khaibar, khaibar..ya Yahud...", "Hidup Palestin", "Jahannam ..Jahannam Israel" " Hancur..hancur Amerika"...
Public talks were delivered in full energetic aura with powerful voice, recitation of Al-Quran and Hadith. A represenative from Gaza mentioned .."do not feel sad..Allah has promised victory..we are ready to fight a long and hard battle with the Israel".."now we know who are the enemies of Palestine..and defender of Baitulmaqdis"(literal translation from Arabic).. MasyaAllah this is the spirit of defender of Islam. Most Palestinians never show any fear, instead high motivation in fighting the cause...As mentioned in a hadith (Muadz's nasyid) "there is always a group who would defend Baitulmaqdis/Islam" "who are they ; asked the sahabiah".."Ar-rasul s.a.w says " the people live in Baitulmaqdis and its surrounding"...
What can we do? ..solat hajat, qunut nazilah, doas, material donation, gold..money..volunteers.. list goes on..At least we are doing something..not only symphatize the palestinians..
The event went on with "throwing shoes to Bush" and "stomps on Israeli flags" as symbolism of humiliation to the aggresors. Later after in house events there were convoys of cars with SAVE GAZA mission to surrounding areas. May our deeds are accepted by Allah s.w.t..
p/s contribution can be made to Amanpalestin.org/Mercy Malaysia/Yayasan Amal/PACE...
1 comment:
Salam KP, I wish I had been there at the rally...your comment in my blog to refer to Surah 61(As Saff) led me to read the translations of Surah 48 AlFath (The Victory)and Surah 14 (Ibrahim)this morning and Alhamdulillah now I don't feel too sad...thanks.
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