
PHD tantrums
What do you do when as soon as you opened the door of your house, supposedly to find some peace of mind from PHD tantrums (eg not able to understand the theory, spinning head as the result of statistical methods and analysis..da..da goes on) you saw strewn clothes, the children were yelling at each other, crying as the result of quarelling on petty things, splashing water for fun. Yeh, it sounds like a 'zoo' or what..having fun because mum was coming back a little late. Being a superwomen the mum had to manage daily chores without paid helper..means asking volunteers from the members of the household to aid basic house management like picking up one's clothes and placing them in the correct clothing basket, throwing litter to the right place, washing your own dishes, and using toilet properly.
I guess I cannot complain with these little things, to some people, or rather the standard of housekeeping for some is o.k to be as in the above situation..
God not for me... basic cleaniness and housekeeping must be fulfilled before I can proceed with other work. So what was my reaction?.
Sleep theraphy
If I followed my gut feeling, smacking them was the best solution..but no..it would aggravate my spinning head..So I just ignored all..straight to the dining table, ate some light dinner and drank rosselle juice...pushed aside all strewn clothes and asked(not really but yelling) the elder brother of these smaller kids to get out of my side of the supposedly laundry thing and put to the right place..and a smack to the leader of the commotion... All the three fun-loving children were quickly running upstairs.. a little later taking my shower, drank a cup of milo then make myself to be comfortable and slept.
I woke up feeling better..why..?
"Sleep Deprivation...Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells." some quotes in my email.
Sleeping is a theraphy for brain stimulation..I think so. This episode happened to me two weeks ago...Anyone wants a try..!
Someone who wants the best for her academic sprint and offsprings
1 comment:
ait abrar dh pakai spek k? hehe..
mokteh, jgn lupa dtg umah sabtu ni (22hb).
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