Wednesday, November 5, 2008

PHD Tips

Salam everyone,
On the 30th of October I was asked to attend the Phd progress report presentation. I was there to observe and digest all comments given by the panels.

The Tips

1. Writting up (very much relevant to me) - The writer must tie up all the chapters.

2.Literature review should relate to the topic

3. The title of the thesis should reflect with what we are doing especially the keywords or concept.

4.Theoretical element must be strong.

5. If the research questions are clear, there is no need for "hypothesis statement"

6. There are differences of approaches or school of thoughts for theoretical parts...some prefer 'Conceptual framework', some put the theory under 'research methodology'.

7. The written title must be clear and embody what we want to do.

Well I have to check all above my own piece of research..



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