Salam to all,
I was invited to join a training called "ESQ 165". I must thank Noli Husain from UEM who attended the in-house training for uem and his good nature has secured five seats.On the pretext of NGOs, the trainner Pak Aminul Rachman extended his invitation to us, JIM activists. Otherwise it would cost RM1380 per person. Alhamdullillah, I rearranged all my work schedule and social engagement for friday, saturday and sunday. So I was tentatively in the training session from 14-16th November at the Summit Hotel USJ. The training was not new for me because my son Nuruddin attended the course last year at " Teens ESQ Batch 3 Wisma Petanian Negeri Selangor Shah Alam". He is a kind of "different" person after the training (I am not saying 100 percent change)..that touches my 'motherhood' heart.
It was a journey looking at Allah's creation and to bear witness all the majestic cosmology, inner soul, physical, social and emotional relationship of Allah's mercy..
I was telling myself, that I would be o.k to attend. Mind you I was reminded that 'you would cry during the session'.. True enough, after the the first session of introduction, motto and other training related matters and rules and regulation..I entered the room with about two hundred people from various corporate and government agencies.. we were directed to sit by the volunteers of ESQ alumni... The trainer read "Arab Badwi berkata : Kami telah beriman". Katakan : "Kamu belum beriman tetapi kamu telah tunduk dan patuh, kerana sesungguhnya iman itu belum masuk dalam hati kamu..." (Al-Hujarat-49 : 14) This is the time I was knocked out with Allah's revealation..The ayah was memorised by me, But God , why I never questioned my iman..does the iman really into my heart..that's the dividing line ...for our deeds to be accepted or not..May Allah forgive me..Astaghfirullahallazim.. Why all this while I did not realize that all creations are submitting to the Creator..the orbit circles, the earth moves, our brains are in the submission position, tawwaf at Kaabah and our smallest atom in our body(DNA) without we realize are all circling in the same direction..in a way as Allah has prescribed ..." Sesungguhnya semua makluk itu tunduk memuji Allah dalam keadaan yang manusia tidak ketahui..."
Why I did not realize the story of big-bang was told 1400 years ago by the prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah S.A.W....but ..God, the Quraish or rather the Jahilliyah did not believe him infact they yelled, tortured him physically and emotionally..but what was his reaction..even to the end of his life, he still mentioned "ummatti..ummatti.." He loves so much of his ummat but in return what do I do....Astagfirullah.. The Earth and the Sky as mentioned in the AlQuran were once one entity, with Allah ' Kunfayakun..then it split..with the cosmology stands on its own without any support..Stephen Hodgkin (quadraplegic scientist) proved it in the big-bang theory.
Billy Lim the author of "Dare to fail" on his account mentioned the three characters of a leader that shown by our prophet are enough to be recognized as THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN THE WORLD..one of the incidence when the prophet visited a blind and sick yahudi man who usually threw all kinds of thing to him everyday when he passed by the market... Ya Allah forgive me since I sometimes forget the journey of Ar-Rasul had to endure for his ummah to recieve the light of Islam. For further research read Ali-Imran : 190-193; Ar-Rad : 30, Ar-Rahman; As-Syams :1-7..Faatir ..goes on..
Continue my journey with the conscience of Allah always in life .. practicing Ihsan, Iman and Islam.. A human being is a musafir on this earth till the day of judgement..If you can get the chance to attend the training ..go for it.. so much to gain..I already registered my third son to the Teens training at Concorde Shah Alam , will be held on 23rd-24th December 2008.
p/s Jzklh to Ellie (Jim-salam) for the beautiful NZ scenic pictures
p/s Jzklh to Ellie (Jim-salam) for the beautiful NZ scenic pictures
Salam Puan, congratulations!! you must be one of the very few who are fortunate enough to be selected as a "special" guest for the ESQ. (I know you were there on a special invitation).
Thank you for sharing your experience with us (even without the sound effect and all - hehe). Hopefully it will be an eye opening for me....in my journey to be the end.
* journey to the end.... (correction)
Salam KP,I always think that Allah's creation of the air that we breath is just soo amazing..I mean its invisible and non tangible but we know its there...
Muna and Mazwin
Tq for the comments..actually there are alot more important notes from ESQ..like the air..actually we were asked to hold our breath up to 19 seconds..I could not ..only 13 seconds..shows as you said win, Allah provides the free air for us to inhale and to make our systems work perfectly until Allah directs otherwise...
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