Assalamualaikum wbrt
A Special talk
A Special talk
Alhamdullillah I managed to make myself available to attend an interesting talk given by Sheikh Yusuf Estee, a well-known dai'e from the US; once a Protestant Priest, a multi-media preacher and his web visited by millions of hits world-wide. The talk was held on Sunday , 23/11/08 from 8.30-11.00 a.m.at Audiotorium MBSA, Shah Alam with the estimation of 1000 audience.
Here are some excerpts that I gathered during his speech....He explained Islam in a simple way and yet very easy to grasp..no complex theory or philosophical terms. Islam means surrender, submission, obedience, sincerity, and peace. If we comply all levels of what Islam is..Surrender..sincerity, automaticcaly we will gain internal and external peace. Human beings are not given freewill but free choices..to do good things we gain hasanah and vice versa if we are doing the reverse. Da'waah means calling people to Islam not inviting as mentioned in Surah Ali-Imran : 104..Other interesting things Bidaah dunia is o.k not bida'ah faith...because syirkh is not forgiven by AllahAn-Nisaa'(4):16. At-Taubah (9) : 31 " The Jews and Christians worship their priests and rabbais.." why because they follow what they say even though the teachings are against the Holy book..
Simple yet meaningful
His easy manner really touches the audience especially those who are new in Islam..He prefers Takbir instead of hand clapping and growing beard has an act of loving of Rasullullah S.A.W. He does not cordone people of doing those acts but the two are his preference. I was told that, during the session at the Bukit Jelutong community centre the day after, he managed to convince a Chinese guy about 27 years old to profess Syahadah right there.The guy initially asked the question in written form something like this " I belive in Allah and I believe Muhammad is his messenger, but can I pray my own way?"..He called the guy then step by step guided the guy..what it means to be a muslim..syahadah and the rukun Islam..then Alhamdullillah right there he professed."There is is no God except Allah and the prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the messenger" in Arabic and in English..Wow this is his expertise.
He really believes in the cyber medium to spread the message of Islam to the world..Here are some of the links to Yusuf Esttees websites..www.911bible.com,bibleislam.com, islamevent.com, shareislam.com, scienceislam.com, bridgethefaith.com, 911islam, linktoislam.com...goes on
MashaAllah, for only 17 years as a revert to Islam, Sheikh Yusuf Estees is a calibre daie'..he continuously seeks for knowledge and implements his beliefs in his daily life...Do I do it..A born muslim and I receive the teachings of Islam since birth time..What are my contributions?..Moral of the story, seeking knowledge for life time to upgade iman and amal..Never taking for granted for what we have..
Puziah Ahmad
A wayfarer in this worldly journey..