Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yusuf Estee

Assalamualaikum wbrt

A Special talk
Alhamdullillah I managed to make myself available to attend an interesting talk given by Sheikh Yusuf Estee, a well-known dai'e from the US; once a Protestant Priest, a multi-media preacher and his web visited by millions of hits world-wide. The talk was held on Sunday , 23/11/08 from 8.30-11.00 a.m.at Audiotorium MBSA, Shah Alam with the estimation of 1000 audience.

Here are some excerpts that I gathered during his speech....He explained Islam in a simple way and yet very easy to grasp..no complex theory or philosophical terms. Islam means surrender, submission, obedience, sincerity, and peace. If we comply all levels of what Islam is..Surrender..sincerity, automaticcaly we will gain internal and external peace. Human beings are not given freewill but free choices..to do good things we gain hasanah and vice versa if we are doing the reverse. Da'waah means calling people to Islam not inviting as mentioned in Surah Ali-Imran : 104..Other interesting things Bidaah dunia is o.k not bida'ah faith...because syirkh is not forgiven by AllahAn-Nisaa'(4):16. At-Taubah (9) : 31 " The Jews and Christians worship their priests and rabbais.." why because they follow what they say even though the teachings are against the Holy book..
Simple yet meaningful
His easy manner really touches the audience especially those who are new in Islam..He prefers Takbir instead of hand clapping and growing beard has an act of loving of Rasullullah S.A.W. He does not cordone people of doing those acts but the two are his preference. I was told that, during the session at the Bukit Jelutong community centre the day after, he managed to convince a Chinese guy about 27 years old to profess Syahadah right there.The guy initially asked the question in written form something like this " I belive in Allah and I believe Muhammad is his messenger, but can I pray my own way?"..He called the guy then step by step guided the guy..what it means to be a muslim..syahadah and the rukun Islam..then Alhamdullillah right there he professed."There is is no God except Allah and the prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the messenger" in Arabic and in English..Wow this is his expertise.

He really believes in the cyber medium to spread the message of Islam to the world..Here are some of the links to Yusuf Esttees websites..www.911bible.com,bibleislam.com, islamevent.com, shareislam.com, scienceislam.com, bridgethefaith.com, 911islam, linktoislam.com...goes on


MashaAllah, for only 17 years as a revert to Islam, Sheikh Yusuf Estees is a calibre daie'..he continuously seeks for knowledge and implements his beliefs in his daily life...Do I do it..A born muslim and I receive the teachings of Islam since birth time..What are my contributions?..Moral of the story, seeking knowledge for life time to upgade iman and amal..Never taking for granted for what we have..

Puziah Ahmad

A wayfarer in this worldly journey..

Friday, November 21, 2008

ESQ is a spiritual journey

Salam to all,
I was invited to join a training called "ESQ 165". I must thank Noli Husain from UEM who attended the in-house training for uem and his good nature has secured five seats.On the pretext of NGOs, the trainner Pak Aminul Rachman extended his invitation to us, JIM activists. Otherwise it would cost RM1380 per person. Alhamdullillah, I rearranged all my work schedule and social engagement for friday, saturday and sunday. So I was tentatively in the training session from 14-16th November at the Summit Hotel USJ. The training was not new for me because my son Nuruddin attended the course last year at " Teens ESQ Batch 3 Wisma Petanian Negeri Selangor Shah Alam". He is a kind of "different" person after the training (I am not saying 100 percent change)..that touches my 'motherhood' heart.

It was a journey looking at Allah's creation and to bear witness all the majestic cosmology, inner soul, physical, social and emotional relationship of Allah's mercy..

I was telling myself, that I would be o.k to attend. Mind you I was reminded that 'you would cry during the session'.. True enough, after the the first session of introduction, motto and other training related matters and rules and regulation..I entered the room with about two hundred people from various corporate and government agencies.. we were directed to sit by the volunteers of ESQ alumni... The trainer read "Arab Badwi berkata : Kami telah beriman". Katakan : "Kamu belum beriman tetapi kamu telah tunduk dan patuh, kerana sesungguhnya iman itu belum masuk dalam hati kamu..." (Al-Hujarat-49 : 14) This is the time I was knocked out with Allah's revealation..The ayah was memorised by me, But God , why I never questioned my iman..does the iman really into my heart..that's the dividing line ...for our deeds to be accepted or not..May Allah forgive me..Astaghfirullahallazim.. Why all this while I did not realize that all creations are submitting to the Creator..the orbit circles, the earth moves, our brains are in the submission position, tawwaf at Kaabah and our smallest atom in our body(DNA) without we realize are all circling in the same direction..in a way as Allah has prescribed ..." Sesungguhnya semua makluk itu tunduk memuji Allah dalam keadaan yang manusia tidak ketahui..."

Why I did not realize the story of big-bang was told 1400 years ago by the prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah S.A.W....but ..God, the Quraish or rather the Jahilliyah did not believe him infact they yelled, tortured him physically and emotionally..but what was his reaction..even to the end of his life, he still mentioned "ummatti..ummatti.." He loves so much of his ummat but in return what do I do....Astagfirullah.. The Earth and the Sky as mentioned in the AlQuran were once one entity, with Allah ' Kunfayakun..then it split..with the cosmology stands on its own without any support..Stephen Hodgkin (quadraplegic scientist) proved it in the big-bang theory.

Billy Lim the author of "Dare to fail" on his account mentioned the three characters of a leader that shown by our prophet are enough to be recognized as THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN THE WORLD..one of the incidence when the prophet visited a blind and sick yahudi man who usually threw all kinds of thing to him everyday when he passed by the market... Ya Allah forgive me since I sometimes forget the journey of Ar-Rasul had to endure for his ummah to recieve the light of Islam. For further research read Ali-Imran : 190-193; Ar-Rad : 30, Ar-Rahman; As-Syams :1-7..Faatir ..goes on..
Continue my journey with the conscience of Allah always in life .. practicing Ihsan, Iman and Islam.. A human being is a musafir on this earth till the day of judgement..If you can get the chance to attend the training ..go for it.. so much to gain..I already registered my third son to the Teens training at Concorde Shah Alam , will be held on 23rd-24th December 2008.
p/s Jzklh to Ellie (Jim-salam) for the beautiful NZ scenic pictures

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Research and headache

Sulaim, Abrar and Ammar - The fun loving children


Sulaim and Ammar


PHD tantrums

What do you do when as soon as you opened the door of your house, supposedly to find some peace of mind from PHD tantrums (eg not able to understand the theory, spinning head as the result of statistical methods and analysis..da..da goes on) you saw strewn clothes, the children were yelling at each other, crying as the result of quarelling on petty things, splashing water for fun. Yeh, it sounds like a 'zoo' or what..having fun because mum was coming back a little late. Being a superwomen the mum had to manage daily chores without paid helper..means asking volunteers from the members of the household to aid basic house management like picking up one's clothes and placing them in the correct clothing basket, throwing litter to the right place, washing your own dishes, and using toilet properly.

I guess I cannot complain with these little things, to some people, or rather the standard of housekeeping for some is o.k to be as in the above situation..
God not for me... basic cleaniness and housekeeping must be fulfilled before I can proceed with other work. So what was my reaction?.

Sleep theraphy
If I followed my gut feeling, smacking them was the best solution..but no..it would aggravate my spinning head..So I just ignored all..straight to the dining table, ate some light dinner and drank rosselle juice...pushed aside all strewn clothes and asked(not really but yelling) the elder brother of these smaller kids to get out of my side of the supposedly laundry thing and put to the right place..and a smack to the leader of the commotion... All the three fun-loving children were quickly running upstairs.. a little later taking my shower, drank a cup of milo then make myself to be comfortable and slept.

I woke up feeling better..why..?

"Sleep Deprivation...Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells." some quotes in my email.
Sleeping is a theraphy for brain stimulation..I think so. This episode happened to me two weeks ago...Anyone wants a try..!

Someone who wants the best for her academic sprint and offsprings

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Other thing in life

Assalamualaikum wbrt everyone,

Some memories
Now is a hajj season. It reminds me my time overthere in Mecca and Madinah in 2002. Many sweet memory still lingers in my heart. One incident that shows Allah's Mercy on his servant, happened on Friday. I really prayed very hard to be able to perform Friday prayer in the Masjidil Haram( after the hajj). I was told about 3.5 million people were there and plus the local people, the number could be more. "If you were to find a space in the Masjid, you have to be there at least three hours before Zuhr" said a colleage in the same Tabung Haji muasassah .

I did not remember what time I arrived to the Masjid, but definitely within the 'three hours before Zuhr'. MasyaAllah the masjid was full already because the Masjid police did not allow anybody to go inside the Masjid except the roof top..While I was walking before that, my inner heart already said "the sun is really shinning brightly and its warmer nature is really felt"." Ya Allah, I really want to pray Jummaah..to feel its aura in this Masjidil Haram".

Fulfilling the wish
Some people just put their prayer mats outside their accommodation and hotels that surrounded the Masjid. My husband and I just nooded our head to signal that the intention was to be fulfilled..by following the order of the police to the rooftop which did not have any shield to camouflage its Jemaah. However, As soon as I stepped outside, with Allah's Grace and Mercy..I felt the floor was really cool and I looked up, Allahuakhbar, there were patches of clouds that shielded the jemmah, no more bright sun, instead cooling breeze blew through us. Immediately I said Alhamdulillah and prayed tahhayatul masjid since we had no experience to perform tawwaf on the rooftop. In performing tawwaf one must know the starting point before circling seven rounds.

At first not many people around us..may be most people would think about the sun. The floor and surrounding were so cooling as if there was an air-conditioner being put in the open area. In between reading the Al-Quran and Zikr, I talked to myself that Allah swt the Most Gracious and Merciful in a way wanted all his guests to be able to perform Jummaah prayer and experienced his 'gift'...Allahu'allam

May all hujjaj be able to get Hajj Mabrur!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

PHD Tips

Salam everyone,
On the 30th of October I was asked to attend the Phd progress report presentation. I was there to observe and digest all comments given by the panels.

The Tips

1. Writting up (very much relevant to me) - The writer must tie up all the chapters.

2.Literature review should relate to the topic

3. The title of the thesis should reflect with what we are doing especially the keywords or concept.

4.Theoretical element must be strong.

5. If the research questions are clear, there is no need for "hypothesis statement"

6. There are differences of approaches or school of thoughts for theoretical parts...some prefer 'Conceptual framework', some put the theory under 'research methodology'.

7. The written title must be clear and embody what we want to do.

Well I have to check all above ..in my own piece of research..
