Salam semua...
Ketika kini tangan mengetuk 'keyboard' berita yang dikeluarkan ialah Rejim zalim Israel telah menyerang kapal misi keamanan dengan peralatan asas untuk penduduk Gaza - Life for Gaza, iaitu ketika berada di perairan antarabangsa telah dengan rakusnya diserang oleh rejim.
"Kematian mencecah 16 orang, Kapal Dirampas, 12 wakil Malaysia Berada Di Atas Kapal Mavi Marmara" Muga mereka mendapat syahid...
Kebiadapan dan kezaliman yang nyata..
Tunjukkan tentangan anda...lakukan solat hajat dan terus berdoa agar misi keamanan ini tercapai objektifnya...
17 Jamadilawwal 1431 H/31/05/2010
Sharing is enriching one's life...Experiences of ours are lessons for others.. We could not see these before..Others could see them.. and may take as guidances for future...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Kitchen's Tales
Salam to all.
My cullinary skills
Today I want to share my culinary skills. Not much and nothing to be classified as a grandeur cooking. In fact, it is more a reflection of yesteryears' food of delight. Sometimes in your life you just like to be part of the past. Like me, sometimes I crave food like 'ibu rebus empuk dengan sambal tumis atau ibu rebus dengan kelapa parut dan ikan kering' (tapioca with sambal cili or desicated coconut or with salted fish). The other carving is the Malaysian pancake (lempeng)with sambal.
Ubi Rebus
I tried the delicacies of 'ubi rebus' with coconut in Shah Alam, but nothing tasted as in Muar. The ubi is not 'empuk' enough. I guess the most tender tapiocas go to monosodium industry which is more lucrative. May be some tapiocas also go to the IKS for 'kerepek' and chips...What's left are no longer the best for the taste buds of 'kampung' people like me.
Back home in Muar or to be specific in Bukit Serampang, Uda used to say the best is 'ubi' 6 months after plantation. Ye, that's very true when I tasted 'ubi rebus'
which Uda planted at the family garden..yummy eating on its own, no additional entree.
Lempeng the Malaysian Pancake
Another common food was 'lempeng sambal'. During the rainy season when I was small, we used to gather at the veranda of our home especially so after Asar. Lazing ourselves and chit-chat while indulging ourselves with what else if not the 'lempeng sambal' and coffee 'O' . What a perfect condition and timing to rest and spend time with the family. The rainy season was not the good time to tend for the garden and rubber trees. So most families would rest at their open veranda.
Back to today's living. Then last week, my craving came about. The time was 10.00 o'clock at night. " Fan can you to the shop and buy a can of sardines" I asked Nurhanifan. "For what Mama?". " I want to make lempeng with sardines " I replied.
As soon as Nurhanifan left ( not much questions asked because he just got his driving is a kind of therapy for him). I quickly mixed all the ingredients for the batter with some secret recipe from AFC (Asian Food Channel). Then scooping the batter for a thin layer of 'lempeng' on the non-stick pan.
AFC secret Recipe
As soon as he arrived home with the additional entree, I heated up a pan and fried the onions and fresh chillies. Then I put the sardine sauce and chillie sauce to spice up the sardines. ha.. ready..not long to cook. Those who know me, surely equalize me with simple food and not willing to slog myself in the kitchen for hours.
When ready, I offered the food to all members of my household including my hubby. "AHA(hubby), please try my 'lempeng' with AFC secret recipe.. The batter is soft and delicious to eat with sardines" I urged him to try. "What? you watch AFC and all those cooking but you only make 'lempeng'" " Ha! Ha! Ha!" He had a good laugh at me.
"Well you know they used all ingredients which are not available easily" I defended myself.
So my 'lempeng' and the secret recipe were the jokes for that night. Alhamdulillah I fulfilled my craving and the children finished off everything.. Nothing left. What is more important, I put my culinary skills at work though only for 'lempeng sardines'
Puziah's jotting
Monday, May 10, 2010
Selamat Hari Ibu Mama
SALAM semua..
'Ibu adalah ratu hatiku'...mungkin itu bait-bait lagu oleh Allahyarham Datin Rafeah Buang yang masih saya ingat. Agak nostalgik..
'Selamat hari ibu kepada mama...' Itu adalah mesej yang dihantar oleh Nurudin pada hari ibu..Agaknya dia terkenang bila dah jauh di Terengganu praktikal di D'Riaz selama 5 bulan..
Bila dekat-dekat rumah..kekadang-kekadang saya yang belanja depa makan bukannya depa...tak pe kata orang putih 'thoughts that count'..
'Ibu adalah ratu hatiku'...mungkin itu bait-bait lagu oleh Allahyarham Datin Rafeah Buang yang masih saya ingat. Agak nostalgik..
'Selamat hari ibu kepada mama...' Itu adalah mesej yang dihantar oleh Nurudin pada hari ibu..Agaknya dia terkenang bila dah jauh di Terengganu praktikal di D'Riaz selama 5 bulan..
Bila dekat-dekat rumah..kekadang-kekadang saya yang belanja depa makan bukannya depa...tak pe kata orang putih 'thoughts that count'..
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