Salam to all.
The world leaders including ours are at the Copenhagen Summit. The summit is about the commitment of all developed and developing countries in reducing green houses gases. I read in the paper that gigantic ice cubes from the Atlantic are heading towards New Zealand. The scientists have linked the melting of ice with global warming.
One of the indicators of global warming is a shrink in iceland. This would mean an increase of world water level and a decrease of habitable land. Who to blame? The US since Bush administration defied the commitment despite its production of global gases of more than 35%. China on the other hand, demand developed countries to pay the cost of environmental pollution, based on 'polluters' pay principle'. It is a never ending environmental-political drama if the economic objectivity is the ultimatum.
Surah Ar-Rum : 41, with its meaning 'There is destruction happened on land and sea because of human beings' hand...Allah wants they experience the effect of their own doings..so that they go back to the straight path' Allahu'allam...
In simple terms..if you destroy the equilibrium of land and sea with your activities..the consequences will be yours to feel..So in Islam we practice the principle of moderation..take everything in moderation. Produce things that satisfy our needs without polluting our water, air, and land. Plant more trees to absorb Co2 and other pollutants. Reduce, reuse and recycle all renewable and renewable resources..
p/s sounds serious..not really..
we are going to take a week break to the east coast and south...cuti-cuti Malaysia before back to work in January..No more 'study leave' for me....
SALAM MAAL HIJRAH 1431H to all...May this coming year a much better year for all of us