Assalamualaikum wbrt and a greeting to all,
My Phd Progres Report and Presentation
I am expected to present my progress on this " Empowerment Mechanism and effectiveness of poverty reduction programmes in Malaysian development planning" on 30th October 2008. By the way my supervisor Dr Dasimah Omar is away following the Research Institute study tour to Germany..She won a gold medal on the innovative product design. I finally managed to escape from the presentation on the two grounds; I already presented my data findings the previous semester and I need more time for the Phd writting up process. Do not get me wrong as if I am on time and a diligent Phd candidate. Mind you I have been saying 'this writting up process' since three months ago. Not much progress except I managed to complete two seminar papers for Arte Polis Bandung and Islamic conference on poverty alleviation in UM.
The Progress
So far I was on time for ; 1. The literature and methodology (6 months)
2. Preliminary investigation - semi-structured interviews ( 3 months)
3. Questionnaire design and pilot study 1 and 2 ( 1 year)
4. Data collection and re-collection (4 months)
5.Data Entry and preliminary data investigation (3 months)
6. Data Analysis and writting up (not yet completed)--this is the stumbling block; Whenever I left the thinking on the analysis and writting for say a period of two weeks or so..I have to re-read what I have done and some misunderstanding of my own data..it means rewinding process. I started this so called writting up thing since May 2008(Guys do not follow my step in data analysis)..naughty thinking ...may be the grace period of 6 months slowing me down.
7. Discussion and future implications (only Allah knows best)
Some hiccups
Another thing is that since I am not the expert on SPSS..I have to always refer to "kitab " SPSS for a better digested understanding. Hari raya also means some hurdles in Phd because the break causes the rewinding process.
Self-discipline is easy to say than done. My productive time span is short may be sometimes is only 2-3 hours per day. However, Alhamdulillah with Allah grace Insyaallah I will continue my writing . As long as my family and other activities would not be ignored , I am happy. Health and endurance are two gifts from Allah for me to make full use for the completion of my study.
AP990 FSPU UiTM Shah Alam